
Acupuncture at Seattle Naturopathic Center

Acupuncture is an integrated healing system developed by the Chinese over 5,000 years ago and introduced into the United States in the mid-1800s. The treatment is administered by an acupuncturist using hair-thin, stainless steel, pre-sterilized and disposable needles. These are lightly inserted into the skin at any of over 1,000 locations on the body’s surface, known as acupuncture points. Acupuncture points are places where vital energy, or qi, can be accessed by acupuncturists to reduce, enhance, or redirect its flow. These acupuncture points exist on meridians, which are the body’s specific pathways for the flow of energy. In most cases, these energy pathways relate to individual organs or organ systems, designated as the Lung, Small Intestinal, Heart,etc. There are 12 principal meridians and 8 secondary channels. Acupuncture is employed for a wide variety of conditions, including pain relief, asthma, migraines, and arthritis.

Dr. Lee is my doctor. I love getting acupuncture from her. I will not get acupuncture from anyone else.

D.E. Seattle, Wa (2015)